I believe in libertarian principles based on personal liberty, self-ownership, private property rights, the non-aggression principle, political decentralization, economic freedom, and the application of Austrian economics.


  •  America must end the forever wars, nation building, and avoid entangling alliances.  Our military should only be used for strong national defense. pdf 

  • We must get back to sound money, true free market capitalism, and a complete separation of the state from money and banking. pdf  

  • I fully support freedom of speech, and oppose all government censorship, regulation, or control of communications. pdf  

  • All gun control is unconstitutional. I am a 2nd Amendment advocate. All people have the right to self-defense.

  • We need political decentralization, because unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to corruption and cruelty. pdf  

  • I am an advocate for personal liberty and privacy as recognized by the 4th Amendment.  To be secure in our persons, homes, property, communications, and protection from unreasonable search and seizure. pdf  

  • Individuals are inherently free to make choices for themselves and must accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. pdf  

  • We Must Fight for Our Freedoms: 
    • End all of the foreign wars, & bring our troops home. I am an adamant supporter of Defend the Guard.
    • As long as we have a welfare state, & don’t respect private property rights, I fully support secure borders. Our military should be home defending our borders.
    • Abolish the CIA, ATF, FBI, HUD, USDE, DOT, the unelected deep state, and End the Fed.
    • Repeal the Patriot Act and mass surveillance of US citizens.
    • End all gun control.
    • End the COVID regime and all COVID restrictions, and never allow this to happen again.
    • End all corporate bailouts, subsidies, and crony capitalism. Bring back real free market capitalism & End The Fed. 
    • End taxpayer funded foreign aid and interventionism. Open commerce, communication, and diplomacy with other sovereign countries, rather than bribes and war. 
    • End the 50-year war on drugs, as it has failed, empowered cartels, while costing billions of tax payer dollars. pdf  
    • Children cannot consent and must be protected.